The following information will help you properly identify your Plan document and will help you if you have any questions about your benefits:
Official Name of the Plan: ABC-NABET Retirement Trust Plan
Employer Name and Address: ABC, Inc. 77 West 66th Street New York, NY 10023-6298
A complete list of subsidiaries of ABC, Inc. whose employees are covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the Company and the Union providing for contribution to the Pension Fund, and therefore may be eligible for participation in the Plan, is available upon written request to the Plan Administrator. The list is also available for examination at the office of the Plan Administrator.
Employer EIN: 14-1284013
Plan Number: 012
Type of Plan: Defined benefit (with supplementary Portion which is defined contribution)
Plan Administrator:
Board of Trustees
ABC-NABET Retirement Trust Plan
3 Gateway Center
401 Liberty Ave, Ste 1200
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1024
Phone 1-833-942-2317
Type of Administration: The Board of Trustees has contracted with Zenith American Solutions® as the Plan’s third party administrator. The Supplementary Portion of the Plan is administered through an arrangement with Transamerica.
Agent for Service of Legal The Board of Trustees Process:
Board of Trustees
c/o Zenith American Solutions®
3 Gateway Center
401 Liberty Ave, Ste 1200
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1024
Service for legal process may also be made upon a Plan Trustee or the Plan Administrator.
Plan Trustees: (see page 37)
Plan Year: January 1-December 31
Source of Contributions: Company (with employee contributions on a voluntary basis)
Fund Assets Held by:
The Northern Trust Company
50 LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60675
Fund office:
ABC-NABET Retirement Trust Plan
c/o Zenith American Solutions®
3 Gateway Center
401 Liberty Ave, Ste 1200
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1024
Phone 1-833-942-2317
Supplementary Portion Administrator:
ABC-NABET Supplementary Trust
P.O. Box 13029
New York, NY 10087
NOTE: You may request a copy of the current collective bargaining agreement from the Plan Administrator.