Age | 50 and less than 65
Service & Other Requirements | 10 or more years of Credited Service
Basic Benefit |
For employees active on January 11, 2008 and later:
- 2.03% x Final Average Pay x Credited Service earned prior to 1/1/2004 [maximum 40 years]; plus
- 1.8% x Final Average Pay x Credited Service earned from 1/1/2008 through 12/31/2012 [maximum 40 years less Credited Service used in (a)]; plus
- 1.68% X Final Average Pay x Credited Service earned from 1/1/2004 through 12/31/2007 [maximum 40 years less Credited Service used in (a) and (b)]; plus
- 1.50% X Final Average Pay x Credited Service earned from 1/1/2013 through 12/31/2016 [maximum 40 years less Credited Service used in (a), (b) and (c)]; plus
- .65% X Final Average Pay x Credited Service earned after 12/31/2016 [maximum 40 years less Credited Service used in (a), (b), (c) and (d)] Note: If retired or terminated employment prior to January 11, 2008, different benefit provisions will apply.
If hired before January 1, 1983, see Grandfather Formula
This amount may be reduced if benefit payments begin before age 65 depending on which of the following three applies:
Age 50 and 20 Years of Credited Service (with at least one Hour of Service on or after 1/1/1998) at time of termination of bargaining unit employment*: Age 60 or older, no reduction; otherwise reduced 5% per year less than age 60.
See table.
* or terminated bargaining unit employment with 20 years of Credited Service prior to age 50 as part of the 2001 Involuntary Separation Program
Rule of 85: Age plus Credited Service is at least 85 (with at least one Hour of Service on or after 12/1/1999) at time of termination of bargaining unit employment: no reduction.
All other instances: see table.
Forms of Payment |
- Single Life Annuity (no further reduction)
- Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity (75%) *
- Joint and Survivor Annuity (50%, 66-2/3%, 100%)
- 120 Month Certain Annuity
- Social Security Level Income Annuity
Reduction Factors
See Spouse Beneficiary Pop-up Feature
*If in eligible service on or after December 1, 1999
Conditions Which May Result In Loss of Some or All Benefits | Permanent Break-in-Service
Suspension of Benefits
View Plan Summary | | |
Note: The provisions summarized above relate to the Company-funded benefits under the Plan, as provided for in the Plan as of February, 2015. The Plan may be amended or terminated at any time, and future benefit accruals (if any) may be different from those that previously applied. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this summary and the Plan document, the terms of the Plan document will control. | |